
Digital safety starts here for both commercial and personal

An Information Systems audit evaluates an organization’s IT infrastructure, business software and applications, processes, data management, policies, procedures, and operations to ensure they align with recognized standards and organizational goals. Our audit services focus on protecting your IT assets, ensuring integrity, and aligning controls with your business objectives. We offer the following:

Audit Planning: We begin with a pre-audit meeting to ensure both management’s expectations and ours are clearly understood before starting the assignment. We will confirm engagement deadlines and ensure timely delivery.

Risk Assessment and Business Process Analysis: Risk is the potential for events that may negatively impact the organization and its information systems. We evaluate the likelihood and impact of potential threats exploiting vulnerabilities. This helps us identify and address areas that may cause harm to your assets.

Audit Execution: During our comprehensive planning phase, we work closely with your management team to assess the information processing system, internal and external environments, key events, and social factors. Based on this analysis, we identify risks and review your control environment to ensure effective safeguards are in place.

Social Engineering: Our team will assess your organization’s human defenses by simulating real-world attacks where employees may be tricked into compromising security. This helps identify weaknesses in the human aspect of your security and suggests areas for improvement.

Reporting: Throughout the audit, all work papers are reviewed and any issues are discussed and resolved before finalization. Before we conclude the on-site audit, we will review the findings with your team. Upon approval, we will provide draft reports on a predefined schedule, allowing enough time for review and action.

This ensures that your organization’s information systems are secure, efficient, and aligned with business objectives.